What do student's say?

Graduates from Villa College talks about their experiences and outcome, feel free to share yours too!

After finishing my O Levels, I was having a difficult time trying to figure out where I was going to be studying from. I heard about Villa College through social media and my peers, and all of them preached and promised great things. I applied with high expectations and great confidence that Villa College would become the stepping stone for me to reach amazing heights. Today, I am proud to say that I have never made a better decision. Villa College boasts an excellent quality of teaching and learning, with the assistance of experienced and knowledgeable lecturers. The facilities that the college provides are top tier and simple to use. I would love to point out how Villa College excelled even through the COVID-19 pandemic. Though their facilities were reduced to a simple screen, the quality of teaching never faltered. I would also like to praise the lecturers, who never gave up and continued giving their best through these difficult times. Villa College strives for perfection, and perfection they achieve! Even though I spent only a year at Villa College, I would love to further my education and complete my degree from the very same institute that provided me the best form of teaching I have ever experienced. My grades sky-rocketed and I have never been prouder. Villa College is worth every penny spent!

Hudha Rasheed
28 Apr 2021

I was unaware of the opportunities in Higher Studies, here in the the Maldives when I studied for my O’levels. This actually made me think of going abroad for further studies. But after completing my O’levels, I did some research and found Villa College through various social media platforms. Afterwards, I got to know more about the College through the help of my friends and family. At that point, Villa College really captivated me and I really wanted to join one of their courses. Everyone that I spoke with, gave a lot of positive feedback about the quality of the courses provided and the unmatched natural environment of the College. I realized that Villa College is the most suitable place for any ambitious student, hoping to make a difference and become the best. Keeping this in mind, I decided to complete my A’levels first. It was after that, that I finally made the decision to join Villa College. Although, I didn’t want to go directly to a Degree programme, because I wanted to gain some basic understanding in Information Technology, as it a very interesting field for me, and as well as Business & Management. As such, I applied for C3 in Information Technology in January 2019, even though I had already finished my A’levels and was eligible to start a Degree programme straightaway. I would say that the experiences I have and the lessons I continue to learn here in Villa College are far better than what I expected from a local college. The lecturers are extremely friendly and aren’t hesitant to explain any of our doubts. Fast-forward to May 2019, I have now started my Degree in Business & Management from Villa College and I have now reached my second year of the Degree programme. This remains as one of the best decisions I have made, as this degree is from a prestigious UK university, the University of the West of England, which I am completing from the best Educational Institute in the Maldives. In Villa College, there are many opportunities for students as well. As one such opportunity, I was selected to become a Student Ambassador. I am extremely glad and privileged that I got selected to represent such a prestigious college, in fact, the first private college in the Maldives.

Mohamed Sharuwan Ismail
22 Oct 2024

My story isn’t extra ordinary. As a matter of fact, I am an ordinary student striving for outstanding results. Despite all this, I was a dreamer. I had several second thoughts about my career options. Upon finishing my A’ levels, I knew that I had to start somewhere and I am always extremely keen to learn. And also, I was ready to challenge myself with new obstacles too. Thus, I was looking for one of the best colleges with a flexible schedule, so I could work and study full-time. I caught a catchy advertisement by Villa College, while I was exploring my higher studies options. Something between the lines ‘working students can do it as well’. I decided the program should be in the field of accounts and finance, hence I began my research and I got to know that Villa College provides Bachelors of Arts (Hons) in Accounting and Finance from University of West of England (UWE). I mean, what better than obtaining an international degree from a University among the top 20 business schools in England? That too in Maldives, and while working? And that’s how I knew. Then, I enrolled to the program and started my studies in 2018. I must tell that this has been one the best decision I ever took. While studying with Villa College, I have enhanced a strong practical focus in the field and it has opened more routes in which I can reach an even higher position in my field. Apart from the eye-catching greenery environment of the campus, one thing I have enjoyed was the open-access to huge arrays of financial databases, academic journals, e-books… etc., through UWE and Villa College as well. In addition to those, I have spent a fair amount of time enjoying the different student activities that were held, such as the annual futsal tournament and VC exposure trips. Throughout my journey, I have met knowledgeable lecturers with great knowledge in the field and motivated to work further after degree as well as interesting, and fun classmates.

Inasa Umar
28 Apr 2021

As a child, I would always dress up as a nurse for various special occasions held at school and ever since then, nursing has been the field I wanted to succeed in. After my O’levels, I completed English for Further Studies, followed it up by completing Advanced Certificate in Nursing. This was when Villa College first opened their campus in my island, L.Gan. So, I decided to grab this opportunity and join the Diploma in Nursing programme in Villa College, as it is a top tier college in our country with highly qualified and extremely kind lecturers with an amazing studying environment and resources. I have already faced many obstacles in different ways, in pursuing this dream of mine. I’m sure you will too, and I acknowledge that there are more to come as I go on. In order to overcome these obstacles and achieve my goals, I know that a good amount of determination and hard work is required. For all of you who are pursuing your dreams, my advice is to get out of your comfort zone sometimes in order to achieve your dreams, but to never fail in being yourself and to only pursue the things that you are truly passionate about.

Maryam Shifuna
22 Oct 2024

My dream of becoming a unique person is my number one priority. My close friends really understand my nature. Completion of my GCE O’level exam was the foundation brick laid towards my future. I have plans to exploit and improve a variety of my talents in the future, and becoming one of the best football players in the Maldives is one of it. At the same time, obtaining a proper educational qualification is a high priority for me. Deciding on my educational future was quite challenging. Due to my friendly nature, when it was time for me to evaluate the different available options, I spent most of my time discussing choices with my close friends and family members. The biggest challenge was to get into a new learning cycle with new friends. While some portion of my friends joined various government and private jobs in the Maldives, others decided to go abroad for further studies. I was left almost alone to proceed with my higher studies here, and I was very worried.

However, I am thankful that through my career exploration, I landed in the most opportunistic situation to proceed with my higher education. I received lots of positives feedback towards developing my career here in Villa College. Higher education is competitive here in the Maldives, with government and private institutions providing attractive academic programs. Hence, “Why choose Villa College?” was the main question I was posed.

My answer to that question has always been that Villa College is the first private college in the Maldives. Teaching and learning were the biggest factors in the choice, and lecturers who teach modules at Villa College are the cream of the associated industry, with years of experience in the respective discipline. The learning approaches used by the College connected all the dots for my educational aspirations. Facilities, physical teaching aids and materials at Villa College are state-of-art and helps develop our skills massively. The physical environment in the College, including open areas for group gatherings and idea generation are totally unique compared to any other place in the country. Villa College looks closely into creating an environment where learning is made fun and engaging. The Villa College Student Association and the opportunity to become a student ambassador was very interesting. My choice will surely pave the way to the ultimate destination and success in my career.

Online and live interactions with lecturers and other students is made really easy here at Villa College. The guidance and assistance provided by the lecturers is timely and extensive during these unprecedented times.

I have started my journey to become an IT professional in my career; hence, my decision to get enrolled in Certificate 3 in IT is the foundation for the remainder of my higher studies. My aim is to complete my Master’s Degree in IT from this prestigious institution.

Ibrahim Ilhan Ismail
28 Apr 2021

I gained interested in the field of business rather late honestly. I completed my O'levels and A'levels in science. But this one particular moment during my A'levels where one of my teachers were absent, I had to stay in a business class. I listened to the teacher explaining about business and that one class intrigued me to pursue this field. And I feel thankful for that moment since I honestly think this is by far the best decision that I've made.

Business is something that you have to experience in order to learn. It's more than just about memorising long terms from text books. It's a practical phenomenon which involves analyzing yourself and making the best from situations. Doing a degree from Villa College brought to life everything that I had visualised on how a field of business would be and more. Even though I did science, with the help of the lecturers and continuous guidance, I gained confidence in all areas of business even in finance and this has given me a great insight to many fields that I can be successful in.

I learnt to excel in many things that I never thought I would be able to do like presenting or providing training for other people. And I am hoping that by the end of my degree I will be able to see myself eligible for being a successful entrepreneur.

Jessie Jemimah Nixon
28 Apr 2021

My interest in the legal field stemmed at a very young age. The decision to choose it as a career was made during my A' levels, thanks in part to one of my teachers, who was actually a lawyer himself. He inspired me to become a person that can bring a positive change in the society. This has proven to be one of the best decisions I have made in my life.

The field of Law is a very noble and a highly respected profession, with very high competition in the professional world. With the top of the field lecturers, continuous guidance and access to industry exposure, Villa College helped instill confidence in me, allowing me to pave the path towards higher studies and future success. It has opened my eyes to all the prospective fields I could excel in, and worked side by side with me to ensure I reached my goals, and to be a confident legal professional as I step out of College gates and into the job market.

Following the completion of Diploma in Sharia and Law in the first year of my degree programme, I decided to enter into the field to practice Law where and how possible. As such, I am currently employed as a Legal Officer at a state-owned enterprise, and I am getting vital on-the-job training and experience.

Usman Shaz
22 Oct 2024

When I decided to do my MBA, I preferred Villa College because it is the most popular higher education institution in Maldives. The relationships among lecturers, staff and students are very amiable, which gave me an opportunity to become proficient in my area of interest in a very comfortable setting. The 18 months spent at VC were magnificent and have helped me to grow better personally and professionally. I believe the MBA program at Villa College provides the opportunity for every individual to expand their critical thinking skills and makes the person a strategic thinker. I would like to thank all the faculty and staff for making this journey a memorable one. I wish Villa College even greater heights and success.

Hawwa Zeena
18 Jun 2018

In my opinion, the BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance [BAAF] is the best out of all accounting degree programmes in the country. In addition to the fact that it’s a UK programme, it provides exemptions from the nine fundamental papers of ACCA. It also allows people who have no prior knowledge of accounting or finance (including myself) to get a Bachelor’s degree within only three years. It is structured in a way that you can get the qualification while working full-time. The programme includes a long 4-month break every year, which you can use to gain extra skills. The lecturers are very knowledgeable in their areas of expertise and the business world. Unlike stereotypical “college lecturers”, Villa College lecturers help individual students achieve high grades and care about the performance of their students. Another big advantage of the programme is that the University of the West of England (UWE) has an online library which includes a lot of literature and textbooks, which means that you don’t have to buy “expensive college books” or go to actual libraries to get information for your assignments. The library also gives you access to numerous online sources for which you’d need to pay for if you were not a UWE student. The programme forces you to become critical thinkers and gain a lot of information about the accounting and finance world through well-thought out assignment questions. Due to all these reasons, I’m proud to say that I have not regretted choosing this programme for a second.

Thorif Ahmed
22 Oct 2024

I initially had the opportunity to study a Diploma and I had not thought of continuing further than that here. But I have had an amazing experience in Villa College which made me change my mind completely.

Now, I am continuing my studies and my music career here at the same time. I would love to get into the field of Business and eventually run my own enterprise someday. That is one of the main reasons why I chose Business Management. It has been one of the best decisions I have made, as I can study and receive a degree at an internationally acclaimed standard from the University of the West of England. For any prospective students, I’d like to say that Villa College is definitely a place which can provide the high standard one would look for in a college, and the best part is that you can get it right here in the Maldives!

Aishath Azal Ali Zahir
28 Apr 2021

I can proudly say that Villa College has made me a better person. It has helped me develop a positive attitude towards my studies and discover more about myself. VC has provided many opportunities where I can show my leadership skills, as well as chances to bring out the best of me in reaching my academic goals. The lecturers here put an extra effort into build a bond as more than just a teacher who comes to class and teaches; they have a strong relationship with the students and are interested in students' well-being. They make sure that the classes are fun and interactive, and create an environment that helps students get at the meaning of what they actually learn. The soothing outdoor campus with a lotus pond and the colourful rose garden will mesmerize you, embracing you with nature's warmth and freshness every day. These are some of the reasons why I chose Villa College to become a successful teacher. It is simply the best.

Liusha Hassan
04 Oct 2017

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Akram Hussain
28 Apr 2021