What do student's say?

Graduates from Villa College talks about their experiences and outcome, feel free to share yours too!

I couldn't be more satisfied and proud of myself than holding a Master’s degree from the University of the West of England (UWE) in association with Villa College. The institute not only prepared me to become a reflective practitioner for life but also inculcated ethical values that would help me become a better researcher. I am ever grateful for the knowledge and experiences shared by the amazing lecturers at Villa College as their guidance and tireless efforts led to the successful completion of my journey.

Aishath Shimla
14 Jan 2018

I applied to Villa College in the hopes of studying for a brighter future. I had really high hopes and expectations from this college. Fortunately, those were answered with the college’s high-quality teaching and studies. The student portal made especially for the students was a great asset in helping me study for my exams really well, not to mention the beautiful environment within the campus that lets us relax and study outdoors with no problems at all and also enjoy the weather at the same time. I am really glad that I applied to this college to study.

Aishath Ashfa
28 Apr 2021

Covid-19 struck when we were about to start our 2nd year in the program. We are the first batch to have completed most of the program virtually. Initially, I was uncertain that the best outcome would be achieved through such a learning experience. Nevertheless, Villa College ensured that it can be, by properly facilitating and enabling that the best arrangements were in place to assist the student's learning experience. With Villa College, whether it’s a classroom or a virtual experience, you feel no limitation to studying the subject of law, as Villa College is fully equipped to deliver the content in any mode of learning; whereby, the lecturers are experienced, qualified and capable of delivering the lessons in a manner that is easy for students to grasp. As such, my experience was fulfilling, and I am convinced that the outcome shall be fruitful as well.

Thank you, Villa College, for making the journey progress smoothly even with a significant transition amidst the program.

Mizna Waheedh - LLB (Hons)
30 Jan 2023

After two remarkable years spent at Villa College, today I am proud to hold a Bachelor’s degree from the University of the West of England, which is affiliated with Villa College. Villa College is by far the best institute for higher education in the Maldives. The lecturers at VC are exceptionally skilled and experienced. They are not only knowledgeable in their fields, but they also developed a strong rapport with the students – one which kept me driving during the studies. Moreover, I would like to highlight the tremendous effort they put into our studies, supporting and guiding us at the most difficult times. In addition, Villa College offers the best nursing programmes, well-designed to cater for the growing needs of the health care sector. The BSc (Hons) Nursing programme from VC is well-structured. It enabled me to gain knowledge and skills that are crucial and beneficial in best performing my job as a nurse. Choosing VC for my bachelor’s degree is the best decision that I ever took. I look forward to completing my Master’s Degree from Villa College

Sharoona Adam - BSc (Hons) Nursing (International)
27 Jul 2024

Meet Abdulla Hanaan who is currently studying in the second year of our BA (Hons) in Business Management with Economics programme.

"During my O levels, my interest in economics was very minimal. However, during A levels my interest started to veer towards the subject as I started to understand the importance of it. Scoring high in economics was a challenge since it was comparatively different from other subjects I was studying. Despite this, my interest in this made me want to start a career in economics and to start this programme. At the time I finished my A levels, there was a dearth of courses related to economics in the Maldives. After a year, Villa College introduced a program related to economics that interested me. I am happy to be in the first Educational Institute to introduce a programme that is related to economics.

While undertaking the programme I learned about the changing faces of the economy globally while I learned about the history and culture of different economies. Other than this, I came to know more about economic theories and policies.

Another interesting fact about this programme is that it doesn’t just limit itself to economics, it touches upon the aspects of business management. This gives me the ambit to choose any field related to economics or management in the future. This programme helped me to develop myself in these areas and it also has given me the courage to speak publicly. Furthermore, I have learned a lot about how to conduct research and hone my writing skills.

I hope that Villa College will introduce a postgraduate program in economics in the near future, which will open doors to those seeking growth in this field."

Abdulla Hanaan - BA (Hons) in Business Management with Economics
27 Jul 2024

Meet our Alumna, Siba Saeed, who studied Master of Shariah and Law (Specialisation in Criminal Law) at the Faculty of Shariah and Law, Villa College.

"My student journey at Villa College was one of the best experiences of my life. Villa College’s experienced law lecturers and the diverse learning resources at students’ disposal eased an otherwise challenging journey. The research component of the Master of Law programme has been the most notable for me during my time at college. The guidance of lecturers on top of hours spent on independent research into a specific topic builds our analytical skills and the expertise needed to tackle problems at a professional level. Thus, I can say with confidence that Villa College programmes produce job-ready graduates with the knowledge and skills to succeed in any work environment."

Siba Saeed
27 Jul 2024

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27 Jul 2024