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Villa College in Collaboration with the Maldives National University hosted a successful series of training sessions under the SSAPI project from 21st - 24th January 2024. This project is funded with the support of the Ersamus+ Programme of the European Union, the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe.

The sessions were facilitated by Assistant Professor Carla Santarém Semedo from University of Évora, Portugal.

Professor Carla Santarém Semedo is an assistant professor at the University of Évora, and the head of the psychology department. She holds a PhD in Social and Basic Psychology from the University of Santiago de Compostelam, Spain.

The first session was held for Villa College staff on the topics “Building a competency model for university staff to improve performance and quality services” and “Performance Assessment System for higher education teachers”. This was followed by a session for the relevant faculty of business management staff of Villa College on “Higher education accreditation – psychology”.

During her visit, Professor Carla also gave a special lecture for the psychology students of Villa College on the topic “New challenges for psychologists in a global society” and a public lecture on the topic “From psychosocial risks to mental health at work: challenges for occupational health psychology.

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