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The KIX EMAP Hub National Uptake Forum in the Maldives is a significant event aimed at fostering knowledge exchange and enhancing the utilization of research findings in policy and practice. The participants of this forum consisted of the Ministry of Education, Key education public and private institutions, including Coordinating Agency and LEG members + Civil Society representatives, KIX research project in Maldives, GPE Secretariat, IDRC and KIX EMAP Hub Team representatives.

The forum consists of two major components: keynotes and thematic sessions. The keynote highlighted the challenges and experiences with respect to the uptake of policy research in education. The thematic sessions were moderated by a chair accompanied by a discussant and were composed of a few presentations, including presentations related to KIX activities in the country. At the end of the presentations and before opening the floor for Q&A, each session discussant will highlight key points, pose questions to the presenters and identify potential connection points of relevance to the Partnership Compact and, ultimately, the national education system.

The welcome session set the tone for the forum, with Aishath Hassan GPE Focal Point and MC of the event introducing the agenda and welcoming the participants. Honourable Minister of Education, Dr. Ismail Shafeeu delivered the opening remarks, highlighting the importance of the forum in advancing educational initiatives in the Maldives. This was followed by Representatives from GPE, IDRC, and KIX EMAP providing insights into the roles of their respective organizations and their contributions to the KIX initiative. Among them were Javier Luque, CTL, GPE, Sangay Jamtsho, Senior Program Officer, IDRC and Jose Luis Canelhas, Director, KIX EMAP Hub.

The forum concludes with closing remarks from the KIX EMAP Hub, thanking participants for their contributions and reiterating the commitment to advancing educational innovation and collaboration in the Maldives.

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