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Over the weekend, our team embarked on a meaningful journey to B. Eydhafushi and Dharavandhoo, where we conducted an extensive career guidance and study skills programme. This initiative saw the participation of nearly 200 enthusiastic students from various schools across the atoll, reflecting a significant community engagement.

The programme was meticulously designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to make informed decisions about their future careers and academic pursuits. Throughout the sessions, students were introduced to a variety of career paths, effective study techniques, and the importance of setting academic and professional goals. Interactive workshops and engaging activities were integral parts of the programme, ensuring that the students remained actively involved and motivated.

This impactful programme would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions of our dedicated facilitators. A heartfelt thank you goes out to Dr. Aishath Nasheeda, Head of School of Psychology, Hidaya Mohamed Zahir, Senior Lecturer of Faculty of Educational Studies, Fathimath Samaahath, Lecturer cum Manager of Faculty of Educational Studies, and Ruchira Perera, Faculty Administrator cum Senior Lecturer of Faculty of Business Management for their unwavering commitment and expertise. Their participation was instrumental in delivering high-quality guidance and support to both students and parents.

The success of this initiative underscores the importance of community collaboration in fostering educational and career development. We are immensely proud of the positive feedback received from participants and look forward to continuing our efforts to empower the youth and their families in the atoll.

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