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On the 12th of July 2024, a Legal Aid Camp on Domestic Violence was successfully organized at Villa college by Villa College Law Society, Faculty of Shariah and Law and Mom's Aid NGO, in collaboration with the PG office. The event aimed to provide legal aid and support to victims of domestic violence, raise awareness, and educate law students on practical response mechanisms to domestic violence cases.

The event commenced with an information session conducted by the PG office public prosecutors Uz. Ahmed Faraas and Uza. Aishath Azleena, focusing on the first response to domestic violence. Representatives from the PG office delivered a comprehensive presentation covering essential steps and best practices for first responders in domestic violence situations. Key areas discussed included recognizing signs of abuse, immediate safety measures, available legal protections, and the importance of a victim-centered approach. The session was interactive, encouraging participants to ask questions and share experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Following the information session, law students from Villa College, under the guidance and supervision of the PG office, engaged in one-on-one consultations with attendees. These consultations were designed to offer personalized legal advice, discuss available legal options, and provide emotional support. Each consultation was conducted with the utmost confidentiality and sensitivity to ensure a safe and supportive environment for the victims. The law students demonstrated professionalism and empathy, ensuring that the victims felt heard and supported throughout the process.

The outcomes of the camp were significant. The information session enhanced the knowledge and understanding of both the attendees and the participating law students regarding the first response to domestic violence. The one-on-one consultations provided immediate legal aid to victims, empowering them with knowledge about their rights and available legal remedies. Several victims were able to initiate legal proceedings with the guidance received during the consultations. For the law students, the event offered a practical learning experience, allowing them to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. The supervision and feedback from the PG office ensured that the legal advice provided was accurate and effective.

Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing gratitude for the support and legal aid provided. The interactive nature of the information session and the personalized approach of the consultations were particularly appreciated. The law students found the experience invaluable for their professional growth and practical understanding of handling domestic violence cases. They appreciated the opportunity to work closely with the PG office and gain insights from experienced professionals.

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